Additional Resources & Links

In-Text Links

OrthoMatrix Corp, Inc.

The Facial Beauty Institute

More About AGGA (not working)

More About NuCalm (not working)

Right To Grow

Laser and Health Treatment

Additional Web Resources

Right Sleep (not working)

Mental Help and Sleep

Drowzle Sleep Health Program (not working)

Sleep Hygiene

Airway Health

TMJ/Sleep Appointments

Cleaning Appliances

Video Resources

Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker, PhD

Finding Connor Deegan

The Neurological Consequences of a Misfit Mouth on Sleep

Vitamin D, Deep Sleep & Gut Bacteria with Dr. Stasha Gominak

The Lost Art and Science of Breath

Shut Your Mouth and Change Your Life – Patrick McKeown

Video Resources

“Early Sirens” by Felix Liao, DDS

“Sleep Interrupted” by Steven Park, MD

“Why We Sleep” by Michael Walker, PhD

“Gasp” by Hindin & Gelb

“The Mind-Gut Connection” by Emeran Mayer, MD

“Tongue Tied” by Richard Baxter, DMD

Contact Us

The first step towards a beautiful, healthy smile is to schedule an appointment.

Please contact our office by phone 818-889-0400 or complete this appointment request form.

 Our patient coordinator will contact you to assist in scheduling the right appointment for you.

It is important that we speak with you before scheduling an appointment time to ensure that we have the appropriate time set aside for your specific needs and concerns.

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Thank you! We will be in touch soon.